Xiang-yun LU
School Biological Science and Food Engineering
Email: luxy@cslg.edu.cn
July 1999: B. S. Nanjing Normal University China
Research Activities
1992-2001: Lecturer, Changshu Institute of Technology,
2001-2011: Associate Professor, Changshu Institute of Technology, China
2011- : Professor, Changshu Institute of Technology, China
Research Interests
Utilization of animal resources
Selected recent publications
1.Lu Xiang-Yun A Novel Trypsin Inhibitor from B unga rus fascia tus Venom Chinese Joumal of Natyral Medicines 6(2008)153-158
2.Xiang-Yun Lu Two serine protease inhibitors from the skin secretions of the toad,Bombina microdeladigitora Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 149 (2008) 608–612
3. Xiang-Yun Lu A novel defensin-like peptide from salivary glands of the hard tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis Protein Scien 2010 vol 19:392—397