Tao Zhang, Professor
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Study experiences:
1993.09-1997.07:Bachelor, Zhengzhou Institute of Information Engineering
1997.09-2000.03: Master, Zhengzhou University of Information Engineering
2000.04-2003.12:Ph.D, Zhengzhou University of Information Engineering
Research experiences:
2003.12-2006.12, Lecturer, Zhengzhou University of Information Engineering
2006.12-2014.12,Associate Professor,Zhengzhou University of Information Engineering
2014.12-2018.12,Professor, Zhengzhou University of Information Engineering
2019.01-now, Professor, Changshu Institute of Technology
Research Fields:
Image Processing, Multimedia Security, Artificial Intelligence
1、Tao Zhang, Hao Zhang, Ran Wang, Yunda Wu,A new JPEG image steganalysis technique combining rich model features and convolutional neural networks, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 16(5):4069-4081, 2019.
2、Han Jie,Zhang Tao,Qiu Zhaoyang,Zheng Xiaoyu,Communication emitter individual identification via 3D-Hilbert energy spectrum-based multiscale segmentation features. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. 2019, DOI: 10.1002/dac.3833.
3、Yu Sun, Hao Zhang, Tao Zhang, Ran Wang. Deep neural networks for efficient steganographic payload location. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing,16, 635–647(2019),2019.
4、Zhang Hao, Zhang Tao, Chen Huajin. Revisiting weighted Stego-image Steganalysis for PVD steganography, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018, https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s11042-018-6473-8.
5、Xiaodan Hou, Tao Zhang. Simple and Effective Approach for Construction of Universal Blind Steganalyzer, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018, 77(21):27829-27850.
6、Han Jie,Zhang Tao,Ren Dongfang,Zheng Xiaoyu. Communication emitter identification based on distribution of bispectrum amplitude and phase. IET SCIENCE MEASUREMENT & TECHNOLOGY, 2017, 11(8): 1104-1112.
7、Xiaodan Hou, Tao Zhang, Lei Ji, Yunda Wu. Combating Highly Imbalanced Steganalysis with Small Training Samples Using Feature Selection, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 49 (2017):243–256.
8、Xiaodan Hou, Tao Zhang*. Unsupervised universal steganalyzer for high-dimensional steganalytic features,Journal of Electronic Imaging,2016,25(6):1~16.
9、Xiaodan Hou, Tao Zhang. New Framework for Unsupervised Universal Steganalysis via SRISP-aided Outlier Detection,Signal Processing : Image Communication,2016,2016(47):72~85.
10、Wu Yunda, Hou Xiaodan, Tao Zhang. New Blind Steganalysis Framework Combining Image Retreival and Outlier Detection, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information System, 2016, 10(12): 5643-5656.
11、Dong Yu, Tao Zhang. A Blind Steganalysis Method for JPEG Steganography Combining with the Semi-Supervised Learning. Journal of Electronic Imaging. 2015, 24(1): 013008.1~8.
12、Hou Xiaodan, Tao Zhang. Image Resampling Detection Based on Texture Classification, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2014, 72(2):1681~1708.
13、Li Wenxiang, Tao Zhang, Wang Ran, Zhang Yan. Quantitative Steganalysis of Least Significant Bit Matching Revisited for Consecutive Pixels,Journal of Electronic Imaging. 2014, 23(1):013025.1-12.
14、Hou Xiaodan, Tao Zhang, Xiong Gang, Lu Zhibo, Xie Kai. A Novel Steganalysis Framework of Heterogeneous Images Based on GMM Clustering, Signal Processing: Image Communication. 2014, 29(2014):385–399.
15、Li Xing, Tao Zhang. A novel blind detector for additive noise steganography in JPEG decompressed images,Multimedia Tools and Applications,2014,73(2):1051–1068.
16、Li Xing, Tao Zhang, Yan Zhang, Li Wenxiang, Xijian Ping. Quantitative steganalysis of spatial ±1 steganography in JPEG decompressed images. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2014, 73(3):1487–1506.
17、Hou Xiaodan, Tao Zhang. Resampling Detection Aided Steganalysis of Heterogeneous Bitmap Images, Journal of Electronic Imaging. 2013,22(1):1~17.
18、Li Wenxiang, Tao Zhang. Detection of LSB Matching Revisited using Pixel Difference Feature,KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems,2013,7(10):2514~2526.
19、Wang Ran, Xijian Ping, Mankun Xu, Tao Zhang. Steganalysis of JPEG images using block texture-based rich models. Journal of Electronic Imaging,2013, 22(4):1-11;
20、Hou Xiaodan, Tao Zhang. Forensics Aided Steganalysis of Heterogeneous Bitmap Images with Different Compression History, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2012,6(8):1926~1945.
21、Xiong Gang, Xijian Ping, Tao Zhang. Image textural features for steganalysis of spatial domain steganography,Journal of Electronic Imaging,2012, 21(3):033015.1-15.
22、Tao Zhang, Wenxiang Li, Yan Zhang, Ergong Zheng, Xijian Ping. Steganalysis of LSB matching based on statistical modeling of pixel difference distributions. Information Sciences, 2010, 180(23): 4685-4694.
23、Zhang Tao, Ping Xijian. A new approach to reliable detection of LSB steganography in natural images, SIGNAL PROCESSING, 2003, 83(10): 2085-2093.