Ming-Xin ZHANG, Ph.D, Professor
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Email: mxzhang163@163.com
Jul.1982: B.S., Northeastern University
Nov.1990: M.S., Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
Nov. 2008: Ph.D, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Research Activities:
1992-1997: Lecturer, Lanzhou Polytechnical College
1997-2003: Associate Professor, Lanzhou Polytechnical College
2003-2009: Professor, Northwest Normal University
: Professor, Changshu Institute of Technology
Research fields:
Artificial Intelligence; Big data & cloud computing
Selected Recent Publications:
1. “Color Image Fuzzy Classification Algorithm with Salient Regions”,Mingxin Zhang, Zhaowei Shang and Junyi Shen,Information Technology Journal,2008,vol.7,no.4, P560-569
2. “texture segmentation via scattering transform”,Huajuan Wu,Mingxin Zhang,Internationnal journal of processing and pattern recognition,2013,vol.6,no.2,P165-174
3. “An Improved Flower Pollination Algorithm”,Zhang Mingxin,Dai Jiao,Zheng Jinlong,Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc,2017,P179-183
4. “Optimization of Depth from Defocus Based on Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm“,Mingxin Zhang,Qiuyu Wu,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2018,Vol. 11242,P131-144
5. “Semi-supervised Sentiment Classification Method Based on Weibo Social Relationship”,Liu Wei , Zhang Mingxin ,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2019,Vol.11817