Xiao-Nan WANG, Ph.D, Professor
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Email: wxn_2001@163.com
Ph.D, Nanjing University of Science & Technology
2010: Post doctor, Nanjing University of Science & Technology
Research Activities:
2011-2019: Professor fellow, niversity of Wollongong, Australia
Research Fields:
A new generation of information network; Vehicle cloud; Vehicle networking; Internet of Things
Selected Recent Publications:
1] Xiaonan Wang, Shaohao Cai. An Efficient Named Data Networking based IoT Cloud Framework. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 7(4), 3453-3461,2020.
[2] Xiaonan wang, Shaohao Cai. Secure Healthcare Monitoring Framework Integrating NDN-based IoT with Edge cloud. Future Generation Computer Systems, 112,320-329, 2020.
[3] Xiaonan Wang. Data acquisition in vehicular ad hoc networks. Communications of the Acm, 61(5), 83-88,2018.
[4] Xiaonan Wang, Yanli LI. Vehicular Named Data Networking Framework. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019, 10.1109/TITS.2019.2945784.
[5] Wang, X., & Li, Y. Content Delivery based on Vehicular Cloud. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 69(2), 2105-2113, 2020.
[6] Xiaonan Wang, Shaohao Cai. Efficient Road Safety Data Retrieval in VNDN, IEEE Systems Journal. 2020, 10.1109/JSYST.2020.2977388.
[7] Xiaonan Wang, Xingwei Wang. Vehicular content-centric networking framework. IEEE Systems Journal, 13(1), 519-529, 2019.
[8] Xiaonan Wang. Vehicular cloud construction and content acquisition. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 10(3), 135-145,2018.
[9] Xiaonan Wang, Xiaojian Zhu. Anycast-based content-centric MANET. IEEE Systems Journal, 12(2), 1679 -1687,2018.
[10] Xiaonan Wang, Hongbin Cheng, Yufeng Yao. Addressing with an improved DAD for 6LoWPAN. IEEE Communication Letters. 20(1), 73 – 76, 2016.