Zhen-Jiang QIAN, Ph. D.
Associate Professor, Master Supervisor
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Email: qianzj@cslg.edu.cn
September 2013: Ph.D. Nanjing University, China
Research Activities
2012-2013: Postdoctoral fellow, King’s College London, UK
2016-: Associate Professor, Changshu Institute of Technology, China
Research Interests:
Information Security
Cyber-Physical System
Formal Methods
Theorem Proving
Selected recent publications:
1. “Research on method of formal design and verification of memory management based on microkernel architecture”. Zhenjiang Qian, Yongjun Liu, Yufeng Yao, et al. Acta Electronica Sinica, 2017, 45(1): 251-256.
2. “Method of formal design and verification of OS on assembly layer”. Zhenjiang Qian, Hao Huang, Fangmin Song. Journal of Software, 2016, 27(12): 3143-3157.
3. “KCapISO: A HybridHP-based capability isolation method of loaded modules on monolithic kernel operating system”. Zhenjiang Qian, Yongjun Liu, Li Tang, et al. Chinese Journal of Computers, 2016, 39(3): 552-561.
4. “Research on microkernel integrity semantics model and formal verification”. Zhenjiang Qian, Wei Liu, Hao Huang. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2014, 23(1): 43-48.
5. “Research on consistency verification of formal design and security requirements for operating system”. Zhenjiang Qian, Hao Huang, Fangmin Song. Chinese Journal of Computers, 2014, 37(5): 1082-1099.