穆红 Mu Hong
DATE:2020-06-24 AUTHOR: VIEW:


School of Textile Garment and Design

Email: 779475852@qq.com


Jul. 1996: B. A. Liaoning Normal University, China

Jul. 2005: M. A. Dalian University of Technology, China

Research Activities

1999-2005: Lecturer, Eastern Liaoning University,

2005-2010: Associate Professor, Eastern Liaoning University, China

2010-2016: Associate Professor, Wuxi Vocational Institute of Arts & Technology,China

2016-2017: Professor, Wuxi Vocational Institute of Arts & Technology, China

2017- : Professor, Changshu Institute of Technology, China

Research Interests

Clothing structure and technology

Digital production of clothing

Selected recent publications

1. “基于视觉搜索的服装店铺陈列优化”,穆红,林清华,纺织学报,2015年,9月,125-128

2. “基于身高体重的辽宁男大学生校服号型研究”,穆红,陆鑫,王殿富,纺织学报,2012年,1月,107-110

3. “基于袖中线斜度与胸围放松量的插肩袖研究”,穆红,上海纺织科技,20151期,33-36