Ying Wenhao, Ph.D, Associate Professor
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Email: ywh@cslg.edu.cn
Jul. 2002: B.S., China University of Mining and Technology
Jun. 2008: M.S., Jiangnan University
Jun. 2013:Ph.D, Jiangnan University
Research Activities:
2008-2016: Lecturer, Changshu Institute of Technology
2016- : Associate professor, Changshu Institute of Technology
Research Field:
Data mining, Machine learning, Natural language processing
Selected Recent Publications:
”Fuzzy Clustering with Self-growing Net”, Wenhao Ying, Jun Wang, Zhaohong Deng et al, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2020, 22, 450-460
“Fast Enhanced Exemplar-Based Clustering for Incomplete EEG Signal”, Anqi Bi, Wenhao Ying, Lu Zhao, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/4147807
“Deep Multi-View Feature Learning for EEG-Based Epileptic Seizure Detection”, Xiaobin Tian, Zhaohong Deng, Wenhao Ying, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING, 2019, 27(10), 1962, 1972
“Scaling Up Synchronization-Inspired Partitioning Clustering”, Wenhao Ying, Fu-Lai Chung, Shitong Wang, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, 2014, 26, 2045-2057
”Fast Adaptive Clustering by Synchronization on Large Scale Datasets”, Wenhao Ying, Min Xu, Shitong Wang et al, Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2014, 51(4), 707-720
” Support Vector Machine for Domain Adaptation Based on Class Distribution”, Wenhao Ying, Shitong Wang, Zhaohong Deng et al, ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 2013, 39(8), 1273-1288