徐惠钢 Xu Huigang
DATE:2020-06-24 AUTHOR: VIEW:

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Huigang XU, P.h.D.


School of Electrical and Automotive Engineering

Email: xuhuigang@cslg.cn


Jul.1991: B.S. Central China Normal University

May. 2003: M.S., Nanjing University of Science & Technology

Nov. 2007: P.h.D., Nanjing University of Science & Technology

Research Activities

1999-2002: Lecturer, Changshu Institute of Technology

2005-2011: Associate Professor, Changshu Institute of Technology

2011- : Professor, Changshu Institute of Technology

Research Fields

Industrial Automation

Flexible Test System

Selected recent publications

1. “基于LabVIEW的塑壳断路器智能脱扣器检测系统 刘清清; 徐惠钢; 谢启; 杨云飞,仪表技术与传感器,2019年,02卷, 75-77

2. “ 基于LabVIEWBP神经网络的零件识别系统 何晓阳; 徐惠钢; 谢启,仪表技术与传感器,2017年,01卷, 119-122

3. “ 基于LabVIEW的变频器老化检测系统,许超; 徐惠钢; 谢启,仪表技术与传感器,2016年,05卷,68-72