Wan-Hui LIU, Ph. D.
School of Automotive Engineering
Email: liuwh@cslg.edu.cn
July 1998: B. S. Jiamusi University, China
July 2004: M. S. Harbin University of Technology, China
July 2013: Ph. D. Harbin Engineering University, China
Research Activities
1998-2002: Assistant Engineer, Northeast Light Alloy Co., Ltd. , China
2004-2010: Lecturer, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, China
2010-2012: Associate Professor, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, China
2012- : Associate Professor, Changshu Institute of Technology, China
Research Interests
Surface modification of metal materials
Selected recent publications
“Mechanism exploration on the aluminum supplementation coupling the electrokinetics-activating geopolymerization that reinforces the solidification of the municipal solid waste incineration fly ashes” T. Huang, L.L Zhou, L.Chen, W.H. Liu, S.W. Zhang, Waste Management. 2020, 103, 361-369.
“High adsorption performance of synthesized hexametaphosphate green rust towards Cr(VI) removal and its mechanism explorations” T. Huang, D.P. Song, G.S. Wang, W.H. Liu, S.W. Zhang, Journal of Environmental Management. 2019, 252, 2-10.
“Reducing mechanical hysteresis via tuning the microstructural orientations in Heusler-type Ni44.8Mn36.9In13.3Co5.0 elastocaloric alloys” B.F. Lu, M. F. Song, Z.T. Zhou, W.H. Liu, B.Wang,Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2019, 785, 1023-1029.
“The thermal stability of magnetically exchange coupled MnBi/FeCo composites at electric motor working temperature” Y. Cheng, H.Y. Wang, Z.G. Li, W.H. Liu, A.L.Bao, Materials research express. 2018, 805, 972-980.
“Improvement of corrosion resistance of friction stir welded joint of 7N01-T5 aluminum alloy by micro-arc oxidation” W.B. Liu, W.H. Liu, A.L. Bao, Transactions of the China Welding Institution. 2013, 34,30-35.
“Structure and Properties of ceramic Coatings formed on 7N01 alloys by Microarc Oxidation” , W.B. Liu, W.H. Liu, A.L. Bao, The 6th International Forum on Strategic Technology, 2011, 202-204.