董慧龙 Dong Huilong
DATE:2020-06-24 AUTHOR: VIEW:

Hui-long DONGPh. D.

School of Materials Engineering



2011.06Bachelor, Soochow University

2016.06Ph. D., Soochow University

Research Activities

2016.07-2018.09Post-doctorSoochow University

2017.05-2018.07Visiting scholarUniversity of California, Riverside

2018.10 to nowProfessorChangshu Institute of Technology

Research field:

Materials simulations and designComputational chemistry


1. Dong, H.; Gilmore, K.; Lin, B.; Hou, T.; Lee, S.-T.; Guo, Z.; Li, Y. Adsorption of metal adatom on nanographene: Computational investigations. Carbon 2015, 89, 249-259.

2. Dong, H.; Lin, B.; Gilmore, K.; Hou, T.; Lee, S.-T.; Li, Y. Theoretical investigations on SiC2 siligraphene as promising metal-free catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction. J. Power Sources 2015, 299, 371-379.

3. Dong, H.; Zhou, L.; Frauenheim, T.; Hou, T.; Lee, S.-T.; Li, Y. SiC7 Siligraphene: Novel Donor Material with Extraordinary Sunlight Absorption. Nanoscale 2016, 8, 6994-6999.

4. Dong, H.*; Wang, L.; Zhou, L.; Hou, T.; Li, Y.* Theoretical Investigations on Novel SiC5 Siligraphene as Gas Sensor for Air Pollutants. Carbon 2017, 113, 114-121.

5. Dong, H.*; Ji, Y.; Hou, T.; Li, Y.* Two-dimensional siligraphenes as cathode catalysts for nonaqueous lithium-oxygen batteries. Carbon 2018, 126, 580-587.

6. Dong, H.*; Liu, C.; Li, Y.*; Jiang, D.-e.* Computational screening of M/Cu core/shell nanoparticles and their applications for the electro-chemical reduction of CO2 and CO. Nanoscale 2019, 11, 11351-11359.

7. Dang, X. †; Dong, H. †; Wang, L.; Zhao, Y.; Guo, Z.; Hou, T.; Li, Y.; Lee, S.-T. Semiconducting Graphene on Silicon from First-Principle Calculations. ACS Nano 2015, 9, 8562-8568. (Contributed equally)

8. Ji, Y. †; Dong, H. †; Hou, T.; Li, Y. Monolayer graphitic germanium carbide (g-GeC): the promising cathode catalyst for fuel cell and lithium-oxygen battery applications. J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, 6, 2212-2218. (Contributed equally)

9. Ji, Y. †; Dong, H. †; Liu, C.; Li, Y. The progress of metal-free catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction based on theoretical simulations. J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, 6, 13489–13508. (Invited Review. Contributed equally)

10. Zhou, L. †*; Dong, H. †*; Tretiak, S. Recent advances of novel ultrathin two-dimensional silicon carbides from a theoretical perspective. Nanoscale 2020, 12, 4269-4282. (Invited Review. Contributed equally)

11. Ji, Y.; Yang, M.; Dong, H.*; Wang, L.; Hou, T.; Li, Y.* Monolayer group IVA monochalcogenides as potential and efficient catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction from the first-principles calculations. J. Mater. Chem. A 2017, 5, 1734 - 1741.

12. Zheng, F.; Dong, H.*; Ji, Y.; Li, Y.* Computational study on catalytic performance of BC3 and NC3 nanosheets as cathode electrocatalysts for nonaqueous Li–O2 batteries. J. Power Sources 2019, 436, 226845.