Bin Qian, Ph. D. & Prof.
School of Electronic and Information Engineering
Email: njqb@cslg.edu.cn
July 2001: B. S. Nanjing Normal University, China
July 2006: M.S. Nanjing University, China
July 2009: Ph.D. Nanjing University, China
Research Activities
2003-2009: Lecturer, Changshu Institute of Technology, China
2007–2009: Visiting Scholar, Tulane University, USA, (Prof. Zhiqiang Mao)
2009-2013: Associate Professor, Changshu Institute of Technology, China
2011-2012: Postdoctoral Fellow, Tulane University, USA, (Prof. Zhiqiang Mao)
2015-2018, Director of Jiangsu Laboratory of Advanced Functional Materials. China
2014- : Professor, Changshu Institute of Technology, China
Research Interests
Iron Based Superconductors
New Energy Functional Materials
Topological Quantum Materials
Research Support
1. Ground state tuning and interaction among various quantum states in magnetic topological quantum materials AMnPn2(A = Ca, Sr, Ba,Eu; Pn = Sb, Bi)under intense magnetic field
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. U1832147), Ұ540000 , Janurary 1, 2019- December 31, 2021 (P. I.).
2. Study of magnetic correlations of layered iron pnictides CuFe(1-x)TMx(As,P)
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11374043), Ұ800000, Janurary 1, 2014- December 31, 2018 (P. I.).
3. Development and industrialization of power lithium ion batteries with LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 cathode material by virtue of high safety and excellent performance
Jiangsu science and Technology Department (Grant No. BA2016041), Ұ1500000, Janurary 1, 2016- June 30, 2019 (P. I.).
4. Project for Key Laboratory of green energy storage battery and system technology
Science and Technology Development Plan Project in Suzhou (SZS201710), Ұ300000, Janurary 1, 2017- December 31, 2019 (P. I.).
5. Research on New Transition metal chalcogenides for energy materials
Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Educational Department (Grant No. 15KJA430001), Ұ150000, July 1, 2015-June 30, 2018 (P. I.).
Selected recent publications
30. T.J. Liu, J. Hu, B. Qian, D. Fobes, Z.Q. Mao, W. Bao, M. Reehuis, S.A.J. Kimber, K. Prokes, S. Matas, D.N. Argyriou, A. Hiess, A. Rotaru, H. Pham, L. Spinu, Y. Qiu, V. Thampy, A.T. Savici, J. A. Rodriguez, C. Broholm, From (p, 0) magnetic order to superconductivity with (p, p) magnetic resonance in Fe1.02(Te1-xSex), Nature Materials, 9(9), 716-720 (2010).
29. V. Thampy, J. Kang, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, W. Bao, A. T. Savici, J. Hu, T. J. Liu, B. Qian, D. Fobes, Z. Q. Mao, C. B. Fu, W. C. Chen, Q. Ye, R.W. Erwin, T. R. Gentile, Z. Tesanovic, and C. Broholm,Friedel-Like Oscillations from Interstitial Iron in Superconducting Fe1+yTe0.62Se0.38, Physical Review Letters 108, 107002 (2012),9 MARCH 2012.
28. Yiming Qiu, Wei Bao, Y. Zhao, Collin Broholm, V. Stanev, Z. Tesanovic, Y. C. Gasparovic, S. Chang, Jin Hu, Bin Qian, Minghu Fang and Zhiqiang Mao, Spin Gap and Resonance at the Nesting Wave Vector in Superconducting FeSe0.4Te0.6, Physical Review Letters 103, 067008 (2009).
27. Wei Bao,Y. Qiu, Q. Huang, M.A. Green, P. Zajdel, M.R. Fitzsimmons, M. Zhernenkov, S. Chang, Minghu Fang, B. Qian, E. K. Vehstedt, Jinhu Yang, H.M. Pham, L. Spinu and Z.Q. Mao, Tunable (sp, sp)-Type Antiferromagnetic Order in a-Fe(Te, Se) Superconductors, Physical Review Letters 102, 247001 (2009).
26. Bin Qian*, Jin Hu, Jinyu Liu, Zhida Han, Ping Zhang, Lei Guo, Xuefan Jiang, T. Zou, M. Zhu, C.R.Dela Cruz, Weak ferromagnetism of CuxFe1+yAs and its evolution with Co doping, Physical Review B 91, 014504 (2015).
25. B. Qian, J. Lee, J. Hu, G.C. Wang, P. Kumar, M. H. Fang, T. J. Liu, D. Fobes, H. Pham, L. Spinu, X. S. Wu, M. Green, S.H. Lee and Z.Q. Mao, Ferromagnetism in CuFeSb: Evidence of competing magnetic interactions in Fe-based superconductors, Physical Review B 85,144427 (2012).
24. F.J. Kong, J. Wang, Z.S. Han, B. Qian*, S. Tao, H.M. Luo, L. Gao, Lithium storage mechanisms of CdSe nanoparticles with carbon modification for advanced lithium ion batteries, Chemical Communications 55, 2996-2999(2019).
23. B. Qian*, F. Tang, Y. R. Ruan, Y. Fang, Z. D. Han, X. F. Jiang, J.-M. Zhang, S. Y. Chen and D. H. Wang, Extremely large magnetoresistance in the nonmagnetic semimetal YBi, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6, 10020 - 10029, 2018.
22. W. Zhou, C.Q. Xu,), B. Li, R. Sankar, F.M. Zhang, B. Qian *, C. Cao, J. H. Dai, J.M. Lu, W.X. Jiang, D. Qian, X.F. Xu*, Kondo behavior and metamagnetic phase transition in the heavy-fermion compound CeBi2, Physical Review B 97(19), 195120, MAY 11 2018.
21. J.J. Song, F. Tang, W. Zhou, Y. Fang *, H.L. Yu*, Z.D. Han, B. Qian*, X.F. Jiang, D.H. Wang, Y.W. Du, Extremely large magnetoresistance in the antiferromagnetic semimetal GdSb, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6(12), 3026-3033, MAR 28 2018.
20. F.J. Kong, L.Z. Lv, J. Wang, G.H. Jiao, S. Tao, Z.D. Han, Y. Fang, B. Qian*, X.F. Jiang, Graphite modified AlNbO4 with enhanced lithium—Ion storage behaviors and its electrochemical mechanism, Materials Research Bulletin 97 405–410(2018).
19. C Q. Xu, W. Zhou, R. Sankar, X.Z. Xing, Z.X. Shi, Z.D. Han, B. Qian*, J.H. Wang, Z.W. Zhu, J.L. Zhang, A.F. Bangura, N.E. Hussey, and X.F. Xu*, Enhanced electron correlations in the binary stannide PdSn4: A homologue of the Dirac nodal arc semimetal PtSn4, Physical Review Materials 1, 064201 (2017).
18. W. Zhou, F. Ke, X.F. Xu*, R. Sankar, X. Xing, C.Q. Xu, X.F. Jiang, B. Qian*, N. Zhou, Y. Zhang, M. Xu, B. Li, B. Chen, Z.X. Shi*, Correlation between non-Fermi-liquid behavior and superconductivity in (Ca, La)(Fe,Co)As-2 iron arsenides: A high-pressure study, Physical Review B 96(18), 184503, NOV 3 2017.
17. C.Q. Xu, R. Sankar, W. Zhou, B. Li*, Z.D. Han, B. Qian*, J.H. Dai, H.B. Cui, A.F. Bangura, F.C. Chou, X.F. Xu*, Topological phase transition under pressure in the topological nodal-line superconductor PbTaSe2, Physical Review B 96, 6, 064528( AUG 31 2017).
16. T. Zou, C.C. Lee, W. Tian, H.B. Cao, M. Zhu, B. Qian, C.R. dela Cruz, W. Ku, Z.Q. Mao, and X. Ke, G-type magnetic order in ferropnictide CuxFe1−yAs induced by hole doping on As sites, Physical Review B 95, 054414(1-5) (2017).
15. Tao, S (Tao, Shi) * ; Huang, WF (Huang, Weifeng) ; Xie, H (Xie, Hui) ; Zhang, J (Zhang, Jing) ; Wang, ZC (Wang, Zhicheng) ; Chu, WS(Chu, Wangsheng) ; Qian, B (Qian, Bin) *; Song, L (Song, Li),Formation of graphene-encapsulated CoS2 hybrid composites with hierarchical structures for high-performance lithium-ion batteries, RSC ADVANCES, 63 (7), 39427-39433,(2017) .
14. Z. D. Han, B. Qian*, D. H. Wang, P. Zhang, X. F. Jiang, C. L. Zhang, and Y. W. Du, Magnetic phase separation and exchange bias in off-stoichiometric Ni-Mn-Ga alloys, Applied Physics Letters 103, 172403 (2013).
13. J. Hu, T. J. Liu, B. Qian, and Z. Q. Mao, Coupling of electronic and magnetic properties in Fe1+y(Te1−xSex), Physical Review B 88, 094505 (2013).
12. A. Diaconu, C. Martin, J. Hu,T.J. Liu, B. Qian, Z.Q. Mao, L. Spinu, Possible nodal superconducting gap in Fe1+y(Te1-xSex) single crystals from ultralow temperature penetration depth measurements, Physical Review B 88,104502 (2013).
11. X. Ke, B. Qian, H. Cao, J. Hu, G. C. Wang, Z. Q. Mao, Magnetic structure of quasi-1D antiferromagnetic TaFe1+yTe3 with two-leg zigzag ladders, submitted to Physical Review B 85, 214404 (2012).
10. Cho, K., Kim, H., Tanatar, M. A., Hu, J., Qian, B., Mao, Z. Q., & Prozorov, R., Precision global measurements of London penetration depth in FeTe0.58Se0.42. Physical Review B, 84(17), 174502 (2011).
9. Han, Z., Qian, B., Zhang, P., Jiang, X., Wang, D., Chen, J., Du, Y. Low-field magnetic entropy changes in (Gd(1-x)Y(x))(3)Al(2) alloys. Journal of Rare Earths, 29(3), 235-238 (2011).
8. J. Hu, T.J. Liu, B. Qian, A. Rotaru, L. Spinu, Z.Q. Mao, Calorimetric Evidence of Strong-Coupling Multiband Superconductivity in Fe(Te0.57Se0.43) Single Crystal, arXiv:1103.2961v1 (March, 2011), Physical Review B 83, 134521 (2011).
7. Jin Peng, Zhe Qu, Bin Qian, et al., Interplay between the lattice and spin degrees of freedom in (Sr1-xCax)3Ru2O7, Physical Review B 82 (2), 024417 (Jul 15 2010).
6. H. Kim, C. Martin, R. T. Gordon, M. A. Tanatar, J. Hu, B. Qian, Z. Q. Mao, Rongwei Hu, C. Petrovic, N. Salovich, R. Giannetta, R. Prozorov, London penetration depth and superfluid density in single crystals of Fe(Te,Se) and Fe(Te,S) superconductors, Physical Review B 81, 180503 (R)(2010).
5. D. N. Argyriou, A. Hiess, A. Akbari, I. Eremin, M.M. Korshunov, Jin Hu, Bin Qian, Zhiqiang Mao, Yiming Qiu, Collin Broholm, W. Bao, Incommensurate itinerant antiferromagnetic excitations and spin resonance in the FeTe0.6Se0.4 superconductor, Phys. Rev. B 81, 220503(R) (2010).
4. M. H. Fang, J. H. Yang, F. F. Balakirev, Y. Kohama, J. Singleton, B. Qian, Z. Q. Mao, H. D. Wang, H. Q. Yuan,Weak anisotropy of the superconducting upper critical field in Fe1.11Te0.6Se0.4 single crystals,Phys. Rev. B 81, 020509 (2010).
3. T.J. Liu, X. Ke, B. Qian, J. Hu, D. Fobes, E. K. Vehstedt, H. Pham, J.H. Yang, M.H. Fang, L. Spinu, P. Schiffer, Y. Liu, Z.Q. Mao, Charge carrier localization induced by excess Fe in the Fe1+y(Te,Se) superconductor system, Physical Review B 80, 174509 (2009).
2. Bin Qian, Zhe Qu, Jin Peng, Tijiang Liu,Xiaoshan Wu, L. Spinu, Z.Q. Mao, Structural, magnetic, and electronic transport properties of (Sr0.9Ca0.1)3Ru2O7 single crystal, Journal of Applied Physics 105,07E323 (2009).
1. M. H. Fang, L. Spinu, B. Qian, H.M. Pham, T.J. Liu, E. K. Vehstedt, Y. Liu, Z. Q. Mao, Superconductivity close to magnetic instability in Fe(Se1-xTex)0.8, Physical Review B, 224503 (2008).