Guo-Hua QIAN, P.h.D
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Email: ghqian2000@163.com
Jul. 1985: B.S. East China Normal University
Jul. 1991: M.S. Nanjing Normal University
Jul. 2002: P.h.D., Wuhan University
Research Activities:
1985-1999: Lecturer, Changshu Institute of Technology
1999-2005: Associate Professor, Changshu Institute of Technology
2002-2004: Post Doctoral, Soochow University
2005-2007: Post Doctoral, Zhongshan University
2005- : Professor, Changshu Institute of Technology
Research Fields:
Selected Recent Publications:
1. G. Qian, On Partial CAP-subgroups of finite groups, J Algebra, 2020,V. 546, 553-565.
2. G. Qian, Finite groups in which every cyclic subgroup is self-normalizing in its subnormal closure, J. Group Theory, 2019, V.22:5, 941-951.
3. G. Qian and Y. Yang, The largest conjugacy class size and the nilpotent subgroups of finite groups, J. Group Theory, 2019, V. 22:2, 267-276.
4. Y. Yang and G. Qian, On p-parts of conjugacy class sizes of finite groups, Bull. Aus. Math. Soc, 2018,V. 97:03, 1-6 .
5. G. Qian, Nonsolvable groups with few primitive character degrees, Journal of Group Theory , 2018, V.21:2, 295-318.
6. H. Pang and G. Qian, Finite groups with S-permutable n-minimal subgroups, Comm. Algebra, 2018, V.46:7, 1-7 .
7. G. Qian, A note on p-parts of character degrees, Bull. London Math. Soc., 2018, V.50:4, 663-666.
8. Y. Yang and G. Qian, On p-parts of character degrees and conjugacy class sizes of finite groups, Adv. Math, 2018, V.328, 356-366.
9. G. Qian and Y. Yang, The largest character degree, conjugacy class size and subgroups of finite groups, Comm. Algebra, 2018, V.46:5, 2218–2226.
10. G. Qian and Y. Yang, Permutation characters in solvable groups, Comm. Algebra, 2018, V.46:1, 167-175.